Measles is a serious and highly contagious illness, which can affect adults as well as children.
The MMR vaccine protects against measles, mumps and rubella. These can all be very serious illnesses, but measles is particularly concerning.
Measles spreads more easily than almost any other disease. It can make you very sick and can lead to pneumonia, brain infection and sometimes death.
Most people who lived in New Zealand before 1969 are considered immune. Measles was common in New Zealand at the time, so natural immunity was built from exposure.
Anyone who has not been vaccinated against measles, or who is not sure if they had measles previously (including people born before 1969), are recommended to be immunised with the MMR vaccine.
The MMR vaccine is free for everyone in New Zealand aged 18 and under. It doesn’t matter what your immigration status is.
If you’re over 18, the MMR vaccine is free if you’re eligible for healthcare in New Zealand.
Two doses of the MMR vaccine protects about 99 percent of people.
If you’re unsure if you’ve had two doses of MMR vaccine or had measles previously, it’s recommended that you get vaccinated. There’s no additional risk in getting an extra dose.
Measles outbreaks happen regularly overseas. With borders now open and people coming and going more frequently, there’s a risk of measles coming back to New Zealand and causing a serious outbreak here.
These days two MMR vaccinations are given to you as a child but people born before 2004 may have missed having one or both doses.
We’re encouraging everyone born before 2004 to check with a parent, caregiver or family doctor to see whether you had both MMR vaccinations as a child.
If you’re not sure you’ve had two doses, play it safe and get immunised. MMR vaccines are free at your local health provider and many pharmacies. There are no safety concerns with having an extra dose.
The MMR vaccine has an excellent safety record and has been used in New Zealand since 1990. Like all vaccines used in New Zealand, it has been reviewed for safety and effectiveness, and is monitored on an ongoing basis.
If you have any questions about vaccination, your GP, nurse practitioner and local vaccinator are here to help you. You can also call Healthline 0800 611 116.